English Language Tutor

Hi, I am Brendan Ryan and I would like to welcome you all here to “Teacher Brendan”. I specialize in teaching the English language to people from other cultures where English is not the primary language. I cater for beginners through to Business and vocational English learners. Lessons are delivered one-to-one in online learning classes. I also cater for small groups of less than 10 students. Courses are a combination of one-hour lessons using Google hangouts. Between lessons, students will have material to learn and material to submit before the next lesson. I use Google Classroom for this so so it is all digital and no hard copies or email attachments to worry about. Students have direct access to this material throughout the course. They can also download anything they wish to retain long-term.

Below is a short sample video of a student in Thailand I tutored-for an associate one evening. He was good enough to record video of us working together. You will notice the setting is a classroom of a language school (Koh Samui, Thailand) but the student can be at home or anywhere they can access a computer and get online.

Online lessons are available most times of day. This includes evening classes for those that work, are at school or are busy during normal daytime hours. I travel between Australia and Thailand every year. Because I teach online I can still teach my classes from either country with little interruption. I take my Laptop and can be in the classroom teaching from any location. Obviously, I cannot deliver a class while am in-transit between countries. But we can adjust lesson times around that when necessary. Usually less than a days interruption to the class schedule. Time difference between Perth, Western Australia and Thailand is only one hour. So very little difference for us when booking a time for your online lesson.

When you decide to learn English with me.

First, we talk online and decide where to start. I will get to know you and will get to know me.
(Don’t worry, its free. No charge for this)
By then I will know how much English knowledge you now have if any.
Then we can decide on how many lessons to start with your English learning.

Learning with Teacher Brendan

We start your online lessons (one or two every week)
I will give you homework to do between each lesson.
We will only move to the next lesson when we both feel we are ready, so don’t worry I am here to help.
(You can call or message me between lessons if you need help)
If you do the homework I set for you and still feel unsure about what we learned in the last lesson –
we will repeat the last lesson again (no additional cost to you).

Learning a new language takes time.
Learning every week helps to remember better.
Practice is important. Take every opportunity to use what you have learned.
Different people learn differently. Some quick – some slower. It’s not important.
Don’t be shy. Only you and I know that.
It’s only important that you do learn – and I’m here to help you.

As you learn more English, it becomes easier to learn.
