Questions and answers


When you meet someone,

a friend or someone new,

there are polite questions, to start the conversation.

Below, you will see the questions, and some of the possible answers.

Use the “play” buttons, to hear them spoken.

Then practice, saying each one.

When you think, you know them,

and can say them,

move on, to the next Topic.


Question (now)AnswerAdd a polite question
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How are you?Fineand how are you? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How are you? I am fine thank you. and how are you? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How are you? Okay . and how are you? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How are you? Good thank you. and how are you? [/responsivevoice]
Question (been before)AnswerAdd a polite question
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How have you been?I have been fine.and how have you been? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How have you been? I had the Flu, but now I am okay.and how have you been? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How have you been? I crashed my motorcycle but now I’m better. and how have you been? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] How have you been? Good thank you. and how have you been? [/responsivevoice]
Question (doing now)AnswerAdd a polite question
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What are you doing? I’m going home and what are you doing? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What are you doing? I’m going to work .and what are you doing? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What are you doing? I’m going to school. and what are you doing? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What are you doing? i’m going to the market.and what are you doing? [/responsivevoice]
Question (doing before)AnswerAdd a polite question
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What have you been doing?I went to Thailand for a vacation.and what have you been doing? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What have you been doing? I have been learning to speak English.and what have you been doing? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What have you been doing? I went to the movie cinema to see “Star Wars”..and what have you been doing? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] What have you been doing? Not much. Just the same things.and what have you been doing? [/responsivevoice] ]
Question (going now)AnswerAdd a polite question
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] Where are you going??I’m going homeand where are you going? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] Where are you going?? I’m going to work.and where are you going? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] Where are you going?? I’m going to work.and where are you going? [/responsivevoice]
[responsivevoice buttonposition=”after”] Where are you going?? I’m going to school.and where are you going? [/responsivevoice]